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Congratulations to Ilaria Barone and the whole BMAL1 in the brain team for acceptance of our manuscript at Science Advances!

Thanks to the RSZ Translational Neuroscience Center for renewing support for our collaborative effort with the to investigate circadian dysfunction in Kleefstra Syndrome

Welcome to Wake Okuda, Northeastern co-op student for the Fall!

Congratulations to Suil Kim on his selection to the Developmental Neurology T32 grant!

Congratulations to Hannah on winning an NSF graduate fellowsip!

Congratulations to Dr. Ilaria Barone for starting her new FACULTY position!

Congratulations to Sarah on being selected for the AASM Young Investigator Forum to the

Congratulations to Nicole on winning an NRSA F30 graduate fellowship!


October 2020

The sun might be setting earlier each day… but the view from the 14th floor of lab is definitely worth it!


August 2020

A socially distant lab picnic as we say goodbye to Research Assistant Hannah Hawks-Mayer, who will be moving to Seattle to start a new job. Best of luck!


July 2020

Guess who’s excited to be back working in the lab again?


May 2020

Until we can all be together as a group again, quarantining at home has meant virtual lab meetings, virtual happy hours… and of course, virtual superhero themed birthday celebrations!


April 2020

A HUGE congratulations to Principal Investigator Dr. Jonathan Lipton for being awarded his first R01 grant!

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March 2020

Due to COVID-19, we’ve decided to ramp down most of our research projects. However, we’re still staying productive by having regular Zoom meetings to plan out upcoming papers and to hold journal clubs. Stay healthy and wash your hands!


February 2020

Happy Black History Month! Click here to read more about this month’s update.


January 2020

Join us for this month’s Chronobiology meeting on January 28th at 5:30pm in the Goldenson Building Room 122 (Harvard Medical School). Dinner and drinks will be served. The entire Boston academic community is welcome to attend!


December 2019

Happy Holidays from the Lipton Lab!


November 2019

After months of hard work, Jessica Brooks, a Harvard graduate student, submitted her Preliminary Qualifying Examination to her PhD Thesis Committee!


October 2019

Congratulations to Dr. Ilaria Barone for receiving a prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowship Award from the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance!


September 2019

Welcome to Nicole Gilette, an MD/PhD student at Harvard Medical School/MIT, who is rotating in the lab this semester!


August 2019

Dominique, one of our summer high school interns, presented her project titled “The Role of mTOR in Regulating BMAL1 and Protein Synthesis in Neurons” at the 2019 Dana-Farber CURE Digital Poster session.


July 2019

We said goodbye to two key members of our lab: Tenley Archer (post-doc research fellow) and Liz Mahoney (research assistant). Both are headed out west, with Tenley moving to San Francisco, CA and Liz going to Seattle, WA. Good luck to both of them!